Friday, April 16, 2010

On narrative, and narrative consistency

I was sitting across the table from a hip hop artist who was explaining his plan for helping other independent artists cross the licensing and distribution chasm to make sure they get paid for what they do. He'd figured it all out for himself, and now he wanted to help others. We were at the end of this long list of things when he finally got to something I understood:

"It's all about the story," he said. "50 Cent sold 10 million copies of Get Rich or Die Tryin' because he got shot nine times."

There you go. The power of narrative. 50 Cent sold 10 million copies of Get Rich or Die Tryin' because he got shot nine times.

By the way, how'd this guy 50 Cent get that name? Wikipedia says he took it from the trade name of a 1980s Brooklyn bank robber. They quote the new 50 Cent as saying he appropriated the old 50 Cent's name "because it says everything I want to say. I'm the same kind of person 50 Cent was. I provide for myself by any means."

There you go again: narrative consistency.

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