Friday, December 5, 2008

A hugely powerful force (is)

This was written by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff, of Forrester Research, in the next-to-the-last paragraph of their book, Groundswell:
People connecting together are a hugely powerful force. You work for a company, which is not quite as powerful. 
You can debate the accuracy of that statement. You can question the use of "are" instead of "is" in that first sentence. Or you can treat it as an assertion by two researchers who have immersed themselves in the study of "winning in a world transformed by social technologies," just let it slosh around in the back of your brain, and see where it takes you. It's still sloshing around with me, more than three-quarters of a year after I read it. It probably played a part in my starting this blog, among other things.  

Don't let the plural verb distract you. Let it go. It doesn't matter.


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